Customer Charter

Our Mission


The Preservation and use of our world class collections to support a greater understanding of our past for the benefit of our futures; catalyse new collaboration and innovation and increase public engagement in the collections, the museum, its exhibitions and events; and imaginatively combine public and private funding to assure delivery.

The Customer Charter of The Hunt Museum outlines the nature and quality of visitor experience and service visitors can expect, and is available for all on the website and via QR codes in the Epilogue room.

The Customer Charter has the following five pledges to:

  1. Offer a quality visitor experience
  2. Display and manage an inspiring collection for all
  3. Deliver an inclusive high quality information and educational service
  4. Maintain a knowledgeable, inspirational, expert and trained staff
  5. Provide an accessible and safe museum for all

which are the basis of our 8 principles of Quality Customer Service/ Visitor Experience: i. Responsiveness and Courtesy:


The Hunt Museum is committed to providing a standard of service in how we handle telephone enquiries, written communications, personal callers, interactive website and social media enquiries, and the provision of Information. To do this we will:

  1. Ensure that all visitors are treated with courtesy and that all communications we receive are handled promptly and efficiently.
  2. Ensure that all staff provide their names when answering telephone calls. We will give full contact details on all written or e-mail communication.
  3. Update all out of office emails and respond to all voicemail messages.


4. Acknowledge all enquiry communications within 3 working days of receiving a communication and provide routine information on request. We will give a definite reply to at least 95% of queries within 20 days.

ii. Feedback/comments: Commitment:

The Hunt Museum will maintain a well-publicised, accessible, transparent and simple to use system of dealing with feedback. To do this we will:

  1. Provide Comment Cards in the museum and an online feedback form,
  2. Conduct regular feedback via electronic audience surveys.
  3. Encourage staff, docents and volunteers to use their day to day contact with visitors togather feedback.
  4. Take the feedback received and use it to improve engagement with the collection andservices.

iii. Complaints:


We are committed to resolving all complaints promptly. All complaints will be, dealt with in a fair and appropriate way and treated in confidence unless a complainant wishes otherwise (and subject to our obligations under the Freedom of Information Data Protection and access to Information). To fulfil this we will:

  1. Ensure that all complaints are acknowledged within 3 working days of receipt. We will ensure that all complaints are investigated fully and that a reply to a complaint is issued within 20 working days. Where this is not possible, an interim reply will be given, explaining the reason for the delay and advising when a substantive response will be issued.
  2. Ensure that the details of a complaint remain entirely private, the museum undertakes to keep a Complaint Register separate from other records.
  3. Comply with the principles of data protection when dealing with complaints.

The full Complaints Policy can be found here.


iv. Appeals: Commitment:

The Hunt Museum’s will maintain a formalised, well publicised, accessible, transparent and simple to use appeals system. To fulfil this we will

  1. Ensure that the visitor knows their right to appeal a complaint and to whom it should be made.
  2. Provide a second level of appeal, with the Board of Directors, if they are not satisfied with the decision made by the Hunt Museum Management.
  3. If the matter is still not resolved, the visitor will be informed that they have the right to appeal to the Office of the Ombudsman.

Nothing in this appeals procedure affects any statutory rights under Freedom of Information, Data Protection or any other relevant legislation.

v. Inclusion: Commitment:

The Hunt Museum is committed to full inclusivity, in its service delivery. We will make full use of new and emerging technologies to broaden the choice of services and ways that visitors can engage with the Hunt Museum Collection.
These currently include:

– For the visually impaired and blind

— Navilens, an audio described guide of the galleries & collection

— Museum in a box, an multisensory interactive experience

– Touchscreen interactives providing additional information on the collection

– Multilingual handout guides of the galleries & collections

– Docents to inform and guide throughout the museum


vi. Physical Access: Commitment:

The Hunt Museum’s objective is to ensure that its facilities and services are accessible to all our customers. We are committed to constantly reviewing accessibility under access to physical environment, information and communication technology and quality customer services, and


delivering an accessible and safe museum for all (within the feasibility bounds of an old building). To fulfil this we will:

  1. Ensure that all our facilities and services are accessible to all visitors with an accessibility need.
  2. Ensure that any issues or difficulties in relation to any accessible need can be addressed without delay, visitors can email admissions at or Tel: (061) 321533
  3. Ensure that all areas of our buildings are clean, comfortable and comply with health and safety standards.

vii. Equality & Diversity: Commitment:

The Hunt Museum promotes a service that is for everyone. It pursues equality and accommodates diversity so that no-one is discriminated against by virtue of their gender, family status, marital status, religion, age, and race, membership of the Traveller community, sexual orientation or disability. The Museum identifies and looks to provide an experience that eliminates barriers for people experiencing poverty and social exclusion and for those facing geographic barriers in accessing the collection.

To do this we will:

1. Work towards eliminating barriers for people experiencing poverty and social exclusion and for those facing geographic barriers in accessing the collection.

2. Ensure that a focus on equality/diversity issues is maintained throughout the museum. 3. Ensure that all customers are treated equally and in accordance with relevant legislation 4. Provide regular training on equality and diversity.

The full policy can be found here
viii. Consultation and evaluation:


The Hunt Museum’s objective is to provide a structured approach to meaningful consultation and participation with and for the visitor in relation to the development, delivery and review of services. To achieve this we will

  1. Ensure that the feedback received from visitors is acted upon
  2. Hold meaningful consultation with visitors through a range of different forums
  3. Ensure that levels of service are evaluated.