The Inclusive Museum Project

Welcome to the Inclusive Museum project through which the Hunt Museum collaborates with people with disabilities to create more equitable access and inclusion. 

Members of the Autistic Persons Working Group sitting down around a table in the Hunt Museum, engaged in a craft workshop around a table with supplies and a TV screen displaying 3D images from the Hunt Collection.

Members of the Autistic Persons Working Group work on ideas for the planned Multisensory Trail to help with wayfinding and object engagement in the Permanent Collection.


During phase I of Inclusive Museum we collaborated with the blind and visually impaired community and the autistic community to understand the physical, sensory, cognitive and social barriers that they experience at the Hunt Museum. Critically, we also worked with them to co-design accommodations and solutions to mitigate these.

Phase 1 of the Inclusive Museum project ran from November 2023 to November 2024 and was funded by Rethink Ireland’s Disability Awareness & Participation Fund. This project had five social impact goals which were achieved in full with significant input and support from members of the project’s Visually Impaired Working Group and Autistic Persons Working Group.

Members of the Autism Working Group examining antique ceramics at the Hunt Museum glass display cases.

Members of the Autistic Person’s Working Group complete a sensory audi in the Hunt Museum Permanent Collection).

Learn About the Project

Learn about the Hunt Museum’s disability access and inclusion journey on the new Inclusive Museum website which also includes a range of digital resources produced in conjunction with the project’s working groups. These aim to share learning during the Inclusive Museum project with cultural heritage workers who are driving social change in their contexts.  

This website will continue to document and share further progress on disability access and inclusion at the Hunt Museum. Furthermore, it will also provide a virtual space where other cultural heritage institutions and practitioners will share best practice.

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