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Would you like to become part of the Wikipedia editing community? Do you want to contribute to the content and images available online relating to Sybil Connolly? 

The Hunt Museum is running a Wikipedia Editathon, a hackathon for Wikipedians and will focus on sharing sketches, designs and scanned items from the Sybil Connolly archive and publish them on Wikimedia/Wikipedia. This editathon will widen the audience for the Sybil designs and sketches and make them accessible to the public online. With the help of Rebecca O’Neill, Ireland’s Wikipedian, you will learn to set up a profile, upload and edit content to Wikipedia, make connections and have fun along the way!


A combination of an online and in-person event on the 20th of January at the Hunt Museum means you can join from anywhere in the world! 

If you are interested in joining or finding out more, please contact collections@huntmuseum.com

Book now

Event details


Captains’ Room

The Custom House, Rutland Street
Limerick, V94 EV8A Ireland

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